Pet Day

In term 1 we have a number of days designed to draw your child closer to BIS and connect home to school. Pet Day is one such day.

By sharing such an important part of their life, this focus helps your child with opportunities to practice public speaking, asking and answering questions and sharing with friends.


Step 1: Decide on the pet.

Think about which pet you would like to bring along AND which pet wouldn’t be too frightened by the experience. IF, your pet would be frightened you could always bring a large photo or photo board about that pet to share.

Consider the following:

  • A large photo or photo board of your pet if you can’t bring your pet in
  • If you don’t have a pet, what type of pet do you wish you DID have and bring in an image to share
  • Did you have a pet who has died? Perhaps you could bring a photo of that pet?
  • Do you have a soft toy who is like a pet for you?

Step 2: Make sure you have a safe way of transporting and controlling your pet once it is onsite.

  • All animals must be either in a cage or on a lead
  • Rodents must be in a cage that they can be contained in
  • Birds must be in a cage
  • If you are bringing a cat, remember there will be MANY dogs so they must be able to handle being on a lead. Cats must go home straight after Show and Share
  • If you are bringing a dog, remember that they MUST be on a lead and an adult must accompany the dog to help restrain the dog when ALL the other dogs make it super exciting. Dogs have to go home straight after Show and Share

Step 3: Show and Share Questions.

Plan the information you are going to share:

  • Your pet’s name and breed,
  • Your pet’s age,
  • Where it sleeps at night,
  • The responsibilities you have in caring for your pet,
  • Are there any other responsibilities other family members take care of,
  • Share some personality traits or behaviours that are special about your pet,
  • Does it have a favourite toy?
  • A favourite memory you have with your pet – maybe when you first got it, a funny moment, some mischief it got up to.

*** We are so keen to learn about your pet and what you would like to share with us. In the excitement of it all, remember to use a loud voice. Practising what you plan on saying the night before, a few times over, can really help you prepare for the presentation.


All the animals can get stressed. Small caged animals can be taken into the classroom and placed in a quiet spot (talk to the teacher) to ensure that feel safe. Dogs stay outside and will come in when it is their turn. Please check with your Basecamp Teacher for the specifics of storing and presentation.

The Show and Share happens first up on the day so you can take animals home swiftly. Check the timing with your Basecamp Teacher.

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