BIS Teams
Passionate Parents: Reimagining community connection
At BIS we believe in the saying “It takes a village to raise a child”. We would love for you to be part of that village and everyone who chooses to volunteer helps keep BIS humming.
The following are areas that parents have contributed to in the past:
Projects and tasks have and can include:
- Writing blog articles for the website
- Undertaking search engine optimisation tasks
- Dropping posters off at local kindergartens
Fundraising / Grants
Projects and tasks have and can include:
- Finding new ways to collect donations
- Organising fundraising events – e.g. Parent organised Mothers Day events have raised funds
- Writing grant applications – e.g. Our Bee Hives came from a parent written grant
Projects and tasks have and can include:
- Investigating sustainable improvements the school could make
- Implementing sustainable improvements around the school – e.g. the BIS Recycling Hub was a parent sustainability initiative
Projects and tasks have and can include:
- Organising events and shared meals/food trucks – e.g. the Arbour Tree Planting and Bonfire Day parents organised in 2023
- Organising and hosting BIS Future Families Playgroup – e.g. Thanks to Meg in 2023 and Katie in 2024 for being the parent to facilitate playgroup
- Talking to and introducing other parents and guardians to each other
Working Bees
Projects and tasks have and can include:
- Attending a working bee
- Digging, weeding, raking and other grounds duties
- Simple building repairs and maintenance
Projects and tasks have and can include:
- Covering and barcoding books for the school library
- Learning and managing the library borrowing system and computer – e.g. thanks to Eva for many years organising the BIS Library as a parent volunteer
- Attending and facilitating the library sessions at the school (during school hours)
- e.g. parents investigated and built the BIS Street Library in 2022