Our Board
A community-managed school & incorporated association
The Brisbane Independent School Board manages the school. They take responsibility for the strategic planning for the school, annual budgeting and managing the implementation of the strategic plan.
The Board delegates the operational management of the strategic plan objectives to the Principal who works with the Staff, Student Leaders and Parent Teams. At each level there is reciprocal communication and feedback to ensure that the process is working for every member of the community.
Work with us
If you are interested in joining the board (as an internal or external member), let us know via our general enquiry form.
The BIS Board
All Board members share an interest in Integral Education.
The external members are invited to the Board but are voted in by parent members and life members of the incorporated association. Before the AGM each year the new nominated board members are presented to the community for consideration. External members are often “head hunted” to fulfil the changing needs of the school such as accountancy or legal backgrounds, but they are always participating in the wider Integral Community.
Have Your Say
For the individual parent to have a say in the policy decisions of the school they need to use these avenues for involvement:
- Participate in Whole Community Meetings,
- Attend open board meetings so that you have clear insight into what is going on. Although you cannot vote you can share your opinion,
- Be active in your Team,
- Read the posts on SchoolStream,
- Attend trainings and workshops.
By participating our parents provide an excellent role model for the children, who need as much modelling as possible to participate in the democratic process within the student leadership team.
BIS is forever grateful and thankful for the contribution of all current and former BIS Board members;
Angus Scown 2022 – Current Chair (external), General Member
Sarah Eastwell 2022 – Current Chair (external), General Member
Paul Vazey 2022 – Current Treasurer (internal)
Selena Corness 2022 – Current General Member (internal)
Robbie O’Brien 2022 – Current General Member (internal)
Helen O’Brien 2022 – Current General Member (external)
Tom Rock 2022 General Member (internal)
Malcolm Barkle 2019 -2022 Treasurer (internal)
Martina Valenta 2018 -2022 Vice-Chair (internal)
Timo Bellgardt 2018-2022 General Member (internal)
Ben Collyer 2021-2022 Chair (external)
Jonathan Corness 2019-2022 General Member (internal)
Kinga Greenwood 2019-2022 Secretary (internal)
Kate Richards 2021 Chair (external)
Meg Foley 2020-2021 Chair (external)
Paul Wiley 2020 General Member (external)
Cate Crombie 2019-2020 Chair (external)
Janette Mulherin 2016-2020 Chair (external)
Sonia Williams 2016-2020 Secretary (internal)
Amoun Woulfe 2017-2019 General Member (external)
Jodie Jetann 2015-2019 Chair, Treasurer (internal)
Jonas Ogonowski 2015-2019 Vice Chair (external)
Michelle King 2017 Treasurer (internal)
Kelly Goey 2016 Treasurer (internal)
Anthony Element 2015 – 2016 Chairman (external)
Maelle Farquhar 2011 – 2015, 2022 Chairman (internal), General Member
BIS Board Legal & Policy Documents
Associations Incorporation Act (1981)
Brisbane Independent School Inc. CO01 – Constitution
- Download(8 June 2017)
BL01 BIS By Laws
The purpose of this bylaw is to serve as the blueprint for how the governing body will operate. For Brisbane Independent School Incorporated (BIS), as a nonprofit school to become incorporated under state law, it must have a set of bylaws.
- Download(30 April 2018)
BIS Inc Membership Application Form
BIS expects at least one parent in each family to be a member of the BIS Inc. Association, as well as all staff. Membership provides you with voting rights for the board elections at the AGM.
POL06 Complaints Policy
BIS is aware of the importance and value of complaints to grow and improve as an organisation. The purpose of this policy is to comply with accreditation requirements and legislation, and to provide a framework and procedure for disputes and complaints:
- complainants are encouraged to seek resolution directly (engaging a support person where needed).
- if the dispute is not resolved for the complainant they are encouraged to lodge the Complaint Form - Resolution Request.
POL14 Privacy Policy
Brisbane Independent School Inc. (The School) is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act. This statement outlines the privacy policy of the school and describes how the school uses and manages personal information provided to or collected by it.
- POL14_Privacy(17 April 2018)
POL20 Child Protection Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide a policy as part of Brisbane Independent School written processes about:
- how the school will respond to harm, or allegations or harm, to students under 18 years old as the safety and needs of the child are central to our Philosophy and Values; and
- the appropriate conduct of the school’s staff and students.
To comply with accreditation requirements and legislation.
- POL20_BIS Child Protection Policy(20 February 2024)